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Hey friends I am back with an interesting topic that is PENCIL MAKER

Normally in offices using of papers is quite common likewise disposing of used paper is also quite common. But it is not the criteria from now onwards if we have the fallowing machine in our offices.
pencil maker

It makes the pencils with our used papers. By doing not much work we can make use of our used papers. Now what we have to do is just putting the papers in the machine. The graphite arrangement would be there in the PENCIL MAKER. Immediately after inserting the papers that will make the pencils by wounding the paper around the graphite which is inbuilt in the PENCIL MAKER that’s it your pencil is ready.
                                Coming to advantages of this kind of pencil maker, it is portable and we can carry easily to anywhere, not required much experience to use, we can reuse the papers by this way and the pencils made from this machine looking different and attracting the viewers
So let`s reuse the papers with pencil making with PENCIL MAKER

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